Thank you for your interest in Taste of Oakville 2025!

    The deadline to submit your Taste of Oakville menu is January 14th. If you have any questions about this year’s event, please contact

    Visit here to get a restaurant’s perspective on why you should join the event.

    Submit your Taste of Oakville menu details below.


    Select the price of your lunch menu.

    Please provide us with your lunch menu. Your lunch menu can be two- or three- courses. Clearly label your courses and provide a brief description for each dish.
    If you did not create a lunch menu you can leave this section blank and go to the dinner section below.


    Select the price of your dinner menu.

    Please provide us with your dinner menu. Your dinner menu can be 2- or 3- courses. Please clearly label your courses and provide a brief description for each dish.
    If you did not create a dinner menu you can leave this section blank.

    This year, restaurants have the opportunity to submit up to two dinner menus. Both dinner menus must be prix fixe two- or three- course menus, both should be set at different price points, and contain different food offerings.

    If you wish to create two dinner menus, please include the details of your second menu below. If you wish to create only one dinner menu, leave this section blank.

    Please select the price of your second dinner menu. Both dinner menus must be set at different price points.

    Please provide us with your second dinner menu. Your dinner menu can be 2- or 3- courses. Clearly label your courses and provide a brief description for each dish.

    Please indicate if your Taste of Oakville menu is available through takeout and/or dine in.

    If this is your first time participating in Taste of Oakville, please upload your logo.

    Submit up to 3 photos that Visit Oakville can use for promotional purposes. (max size 3mb).

    Please review your menus before submitting.